- 説明用の図
- 巨大なグラフを作る用の関数
- 計算時間をplotするための関数
- エッジ数を固定、ノード数を動かす
- ノード数を固定、エッジ数を動かす
- 両方を動かす
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- require "rubygems" require "graphviz" require "pp" require "set" class Graph attr_reader :nodes attr_reader :edges def initialize(nodes=[]) @nodes = nodes @edges = Hash.new{|h,k| h[k] = []} end def add_node(node) @nodes.push node unless @nodes.index(node) end def add_edge(u, v) if @nodes.index(u).nil? @nodes.push u end if @nodes.index(v).nil? @nodes.push v end unless @edges[u].index(v) @edges[u].push v end end def topological_sort(nodes = @nodes.to_set, edges = @edges.clone, result = []) # function for topological sort # "clone" is for shallow copy, not deep copy diff = nodes - edges.values.flatten.uniq.to_set # 入ってくることがない枝をdiffに代入 diff.each{|item| result.push item edges.delete(item) # グラフから削除 } topological_sort(nodes - diff, edges, result) unless (nodes - diff).empty? # 入ってくることがない枝を取り除いたものに対して、再帰的にトポロジカルソートを適用 return result end def convert2graphViz(option) # function to plot the graph # option must be a hash g = GraphViz.new("G", option) @nodes.each{|node| g.add_node(node) } @edges.each_pair{|key, value| value.each{|item| g.add_edge(g.add_node(key), g.add_node(item)) } } return g end end def make_graph_for_topological_sort(param) # make the random graph for topological sort min = param[:min] max = param[:max] interval = param[:interval] add_node_param = param[:add_node_param] add_edge_param = param[:add_edge_param] g = Graph.new num = min while true g.add_node(num.to_s) if rand < add_node_param num += 1 break if num > max end g.nodes.each{|i| g.nodes.each{|j| if i < j g.add_edge(i, j) if rand < add_edge_param end } } return g end # 服の例 g = Graph.new g.add_edge("belt", "jacket") g.convert2graphViz({:output => "png", :file => "~/discrete_optimization_theory/graph/clothes8.png"}).output g.add_node("shoes") g.convert2graphViz({:output => "png", :file => "~/discrete_optimization_theory/graph/clothes7.png"}).output g.add_edge("tie", "jacket") g.convert2graphViz({:output => "png", :file => "~/discrete_optimization_theory/graph/clothes6.png"}).output g.add_edge("pants", "belt") g.add_edge("pants", "shoes") g.convert2graphViz({:output => "png", :file => "~/discrete_optimization_theory/graph/clothes5.png"}).output g.add_edge("shirts", "belt") g.add_edge("shirts", "tie") g.convert2graphViz({:output => "png", :file => "~/discrete_optimization_theory/graph/clothes4.png"}).output g.add_edge("socks", "shoes") g.convert2graphViz({:output => "png", :file => "~/discrete_optimization_theory/graph/clothes3.png"}).output g.add_edge("undershorts", "pants") g.convert2graphViz({:output => "png", :file => "~/discrete_optimization_theory/graph/clothes2.png"}).output g.add_edge("undershorts", "shoes") g.add_node("watch") g.convert2graphViz({:output => "png", :file => "~/discrete_optimization_theory/graph/clothes1.png"}).output g.convert2graphViz({:output => "png", :file => "~/discrete_optimization_theory/graph/clothes.png"}).output puts "[#{g.topological_sort.join(", ")}]" # 巨大なグラフのplot g = make_graph_for_topological_sort({:min => 0, :max => 100, :add_node_param => 0.3, :add_edge_param => 0.2 }) g.convert2graphViz({:output => "png", :file => "~/discrete_optimization_theory/graph/example.png"}).output puts "=" * 30 puts "Edge数を固定、Node数を動かす" f = File.open("/tmp/topological_sort_fixing_edge.csv", "w") n = 20 max = 1000 (1..25).each{|x| mean_time = 0 mean_nodes = 0 mean_edges = 0 n.times do g = make_graph_for_topological_sort({:min => 0, :max => max, :add_node_param => 0.04 * x, :add_edge_param => 0.02 / x**2 }) t = Time.now g.topological_sort mean_time += Time.now - t mean_nodes += g.nodes.length mean_edges += g.edges.values.flatten.length end str = "#{mean_nodes / n}, #{mean_edges / n}, #{mean_time / n}" puts str f.puts str } f.close puts "=" * 30 puts "Node数を固定、Edge数を動かす" f = File.open("/tmp/topological_sort_fixing_node.csv", "w") n = 10 max = 1000 (1..25).each{|x| mean_time = 0 mean_nodes = 0 mean_edges = 0 n.times do g = make_graph_for_topological_sort({:min => 0, :max => max, :add_node_param => 0.5, :add_edge_param => 0.04 * x }) t = Time.now g.topological_sort mean_time += Time.now - t mean_nodes += g.nodes.length mean_edges += g.edges.values.flatten.length end str = "#{mean_nodes / n}, #{mean_edges / n}, #{mean_time / n}" puts str f.puts str } f.close puts "=" * 30 puts "Node数、Edge数を動かす" f = File.open("/tmp/topological_sort.csv", "w") n = 10 max = 1000 (1..10).each{|x| (1..10).each{|y| mean_time = 0 mean_nodes = 0 mean_edges = 0 n.times do g = make_graph_for_topological_sort({:min => 0, :max => max, :add_node_param => 0.1 * x, :add_edge_param => 0.01 * y }) t = Time.now g.topological_sort mean_time += Time.now - t mean_nodes += g.nodes.length mean_edges += g.edges.values.flatten.length end str = "#{mean_nodes / n}, #{mean_edges / n}, #{mean_time / n}" puts str f.puts str puts "x #{x}, y #{y}" } } f.close