数学的基礎とデータ構造 (アルゴリズムイントロダクション)のp131付近。エラー処理をさぼっている。。。
- ヒープソートは優れたアルゴリズムだけど、ソートのアルゴリズムとしてはクイックソートのほうが実際上より優れている
- なんだって!!
- でも、ヒープのデータ構造自体には色々応用があるらしい
- その中でも、優先度付きキューと呼ばれるものは人気があるようだ
- 優先度付きキューがどういう場面で使われているかというと、共用計算機上でのジョブのスケジュールらしい
- これは実行待ちのジョブとそれらの相対的な優先度を持っている
use strict; use warnings; sub parent { my $i = shift; return int($i/2); } sub left { my $i = shift; return 2 * $i; } sub right { my $i = shift; return 2 * $i + 1; } sub heap_size { my $a = shift; my $length = @$a; # 配列をスカラーに代入すると長さが得られる return $length; } sub heap_print { sub heap_print_internal { my ($a, $i, $indent) = @_; if ($i <= @$a) { print " " x $indent, @$a[$i-1], "\n"; &heap_print_internal($a, &left($i), $indent + 1); &heap_print_internal($a, &right($i), $indent + 1); } } my $a = shift; &heap_print_internal($a, 1, 0); } sub max_heapify { my ($a, $i) = @_; my $l = &left($i); my $r = &right($i); my $largest = undef; if ($l <= heap_size($a) && @$a[$l -1] > @$a[$i -1]) { $largest = $l; } else { $largest = $i; } if ($r <= heap_size($a) && @$a[$r -1] > @$a[$largest -1]) { $largest = $r; } if ($largest != $i) { my $tmp = undef; # swap $tmp = @$a[$i-1]; @$a[$i-1] = @$a[$largest -1]; @$a[$largest -1] = $tmp; max_heapify($a, $largest); } } sub heap_extract_max { my $a = shift; # ToDo : implement error my $max = @$a[0]; @$a[0] = @$a[@$a - 1]; pop(@$a); # 一番低い順位のものが上にくるようにして、buildしなおす &max_heapify($a,1); return $max; } sub heap_sort { my $a = shift; &build_max_heap($a); my @result =(); foreach (reverse(1..@$a)) { # 本には2まででよいと書いてあるけど、プログラムの戻り値としては1のほうがやりやすい print "[", join(",", @$a), "] -> "; # swap my $tmp = @$a[0]; @$a[0] = @$a[$_ - 1]; @$a[$_ - 1] = $tmp; unshift(@result, pop(@$a)); &max_heapify($a,1); print "[", join(",", @$a), "].\n"; print "result : [", join(",", @result), "].\n"; } return @result; } # priority queue starts from here sub heap_maximum { my $a = shift; return @$a[0]; } sub heap_extract_max { my $a = shift; # ToDo : implement error my $max = @$a[0]; shift(@$a); &max_heapify($a,1); return $max; } sub heap_increase_key { my ($a, $i, $key) = @_; # ToDo : implement error @$a[$i-1] = $key; while ($i > 1 && @$a[&parent($i)-1] < @$a[$i-1]) { # swap my $tmp = @$a[$i -1]; @$a[$i -1] = @$a[&parent($i)-1]; @$a[&parent($i)-1] = $tmp; $i = &parent($i); } } my @a = (16, 14, 10, 8, 7, 9, 3, 2, 4, 1); print "=" x 35, "\n"; print "initial heap is as follows.\n"; &heap_print(\@a); print "=" x 35, "\n"; print "maximum value in this heap is ", &heap_extract_max(\@a), ".\n"; print "=" x 35, "\n"; print "before inserting key into heap...\n"; print "=" x 35, "\n"; &heap_print(\@a); &heap_increase_key(\@a, 9, 15); print "after inserting key into heap...\n"; print "=" x 30, "\n"; &heap_print(\@a);
/tmp% perl priority_queue.pl =================================== initial heap is as follows. 16 14 8 2 4 7 1 10 9 3 =================================== maximum value in this heap is 16. =================================== before inserting key into heap... =================================== 14 10 7 4 1 9 8 3 2 after inserting key into heap... ============================== 15 14 10 4 7 9 8 3 2
my @a = (1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 2); &build_max_heap(\@a); print "=" x 40, "\n"; print "initial priority heap is as follows.\n"; &heap_print(\@a); print "=" x 40, "\n"; foreach (1..5){ print "done the job which priority is ", &heap_extract_max(\@a), "\n"; } print "=" x 40, "\n"; print "increase the some priority of some jobs...\n"; &heap_increase_key(\@a, 4, 3); &heap_increase_key(\@a, 6, 3); print "=" x 40, "\n"; print "priority heap's state is now as follows.\n"; &heap_print(\@a); while (@a > 0) { print "done the job which priority is ", &heap_extract_max(\@a), "\n"; } print "all jobs have done!!\n";
/tmp% perl priority_queue.pl ======================================== initial priority heap is as follows. 3 3 2 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 ======================================== done the job which priority is 3 done the job which priority is 3 done the job which priority is 3 done the job which priority is 2 done the job which priority is 2 ======================================== increase the some priority of some jobs... ======================================== priority heap's state is now as follows. 3 2 1 1 3 1 done the job which priority is 3 done the job which priority is 3 done the job which priority is 2 done the job which priority is 1 done the job which priority is 1 done the job which priority is 1 all jobs have done!!